How your grandparent’s life might have shaped who you are

Aims and objectives:

  • To understand the principles of epigenetics and its mechanisms of action, particularly within the germ line and investigate factors, such as the environment, that can affect these mechanisms.
  • To evaluate the evidence for the transition of characteristics from grandparent to grandchild through epigenetic mechanisms.
  • To conclude, through critical appraisal of the relevant literature, whether phenotypic variance can be passed down from current generations to subsequent progeny in a non-genetic manner.
  • Identify future areas of research and potential therapeutic benefits that could be brought about by knowledge in this area.

This site was made by a group of University of Edinburgh Biomedical Sciences students who studied this subject over 10 weeks as part of the Reproductive Systems course. This Website has not been peer reviewed. We certify that this Website is our own work and that we have authorisation to use all the content (e.g. figures / images) used in this Website.

We would like to thank our tutor Sevi Giakoumelou for her help and guidance in producing this Website.

Total Website Word count: 9000

Word count minus Contributions page, References page, Literature Search Report, Word Version appendix and other sections clearly marked as Appendices: 6102